By Derrick Branch
On my travels in life
God has been so generous to me.
All my needs are somehow taken care of
almost miraculously.
At times when I need to eat
I may go hungry for a while,
but before I starve my hunger is satisfied.
And when I’m truly financially stressed,
down on my luck,
a good job is right around the corner.
Bet your bottom buck.
When bullets fly and there’s mayhem in the streets,
I walk safe and secure
in virtual peace.
I’m never lonely.
There is always a friend,
and no matter how many times I fall due to my sins,
I manage somehow to get up again.
And most of the time,
in the end I truly win.
And all of this is due
to the grace that the Lord sends.
This poem originally appeared in the Fall 2013 Issue of The Wall Newspaper